If you’re about to move into a new home, there is no doubt that you have a ton of things to do before you move in. One of those things should be to have your locks evaluated. The security of your new home should be of the most importance to you. The locksmiths of Locksmith Master Milwaukee in Wisconsin are sure to be able to give you some insight into the type of locks that are best for your home. It is always in your best interest to have the locks changed prior to moving into your new home.
With so much on your plate while you are preparing to move, it may go unnoticed that you do not have sufficient locks installed on the doors and windows. While the previous owners may have locks installed, they may not be the best suited for your home. It is up to you to take it upon yourself to make sure your home is safe and secure. Doing so may require that you contact a qualified locksmith to assist you in determining if the locks that you have will do the job of keeping out intruders. You may not need to replace every single lock in your home but it is advisable to at least change the main entryway doors.
We have put together a checklist for you to consider when you are about to move into a new home:
Lock Efficiency Checklist
- Exam the Deadbolt Locks
If there are already deadbolt locks installed, you may just need to have the locked rekeyed. You should also find out if the type of deadbolt on the door that you are evaluating is appropriate for that particular door. Deadbolt locks are the most useful home locks. They offer maximum security and should definitely be present within your home, especially on exterior home doors. If it is discovered that your deadbolt locks are not made from the best and most durable materials, you should have them changed immediately. A burglar is very skilled at breaking locks. If you have a deadbolt lock that can be easily compromised, have them changed. The bolt of the lock must extend into the doorframe by at least an inch. If yours does not do this, the lock can be more easily compromised. We would recommend a free-spinning cylinder lock or tapered cylinder. If you have anything other than this type of lock, you should know that they are easier to break.
If your doors have double cylinder deadbolt locks, you should know that they could be problematic. This type of deadbolt has to have a key to unlock both sides to exit. If you are unable to find one of the keys, you will be unable to exit. This could be a serious problem if there is an emergency. A single cylinder is usually the best option. However, if you’re interested in finding out more about the different types of deadbolt locks, consult with an expert locksmith in Milwaukee.
- Examining Your Home’s Exterior Doors
This is important because no matter what type of lock you have installed, it won’t do much good if the door can easily be kicked in. You need a strong, sturdy door for a deadbolt lock. If the door is not of good quality, you are putting your safety and security in jeopardy. Your exterior doors should be solid core doors. They will offer maximum security because they are solid all the way through. A solid core door is durable and can withstand the pressure of the strongest kick. It also provides you with fire protection. There is no doubt that this is the best type of door to have a deadbolt lock installed on. A hollow core door isn’t as durable or heavy as the solid core door. The hollow core door is often used on interior doors, not exterior doors.
If you have a door that leads from your garage to your home, this door should also be a solid core door. This will prevent anyone who is able to gain access into your garage from making their way inside your home. Also be sure to make sure that if any of your doors have glass or are made of glass that the glass is durable. If they are not, have them replaced with durable glass right away. An intruder can easily break it if you do not have durable glass installed.
In addition to making sure you have sufficient locks to keep out intruders, you can also keep them away by making sure your home is well-lit. With lights shining on the entryways of your home an intruder is less likely willing to attempt a break-in.
- Exam Outdoor Lighting
Even if there are streetlights in front of your home, you should still make sure that there are some lights that shine directly on your entryway doors. This means that if someone is attempting to break-in, they will be visible to anyone passing by. If something looks suspicious, they can then notify the appropriate authorities. In addition to having the lights shining directly on your doors and windows, you should also make sure you have porches, walkways and your driveway, well-lit. It isn’t important that you make sure all of the lights are working correctly in order for them to be effective. If you are afraid that you may forget to turn the lights on, it is a good idea to invest in motion sensors. This means that as soon as someone steps in range, the lights will immediately turn on. This will immediately alert you and others to anyone who is coming toward your home. You can also have your lights programmed to turn off and on at specific times of the day or night.
Aricle source here: Evaluating Your Locks & Lights to Remain Safe